Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers
Reversible and non-reversible thermal labels, thermal crayons, cements and lacquers, high-temperature cements and epoxies and more

8 points Non-Reversible Temperature Monitors

5 points Non-Reversible Round Temperature Label

Reversible Liquid Crystal Polyester Film/Sheets

Reversible Temperature Labels for Special Applications

Reversible Humidity Indicating Cards

Thermally Conductive Epoxies and Grease (up to 260°C)

4 points Non-Reversible Horizontal Temperature Label

Non-Reversible Temperature Indicating Labels (Pack of 210)

High Temperature Air Cements (up to 1425°C)

5 points Non-Reversible Temperature Monitors

6 points Non-Reversible Temperature Monitors

Single Point Non-Reversible Temperature Indicating Labels
Technical Learning

How is Temperature Measured?
Temperature can be measured via a diverse array of sensors. All of them infer temperature by sensing some change in a physical characteristic. Six types with which the engineer is likely to come into contact are: thermocouples, resistive temperature devices (RTDs Pt100 and thermistors), infrared radiators, bimetallic devices, liquid expansion devices, and change-of-state devices.
Choose the right temperature measurement instrument for your application...